Dr. 玛格丽特•米. McMenamin
Dr. 玛格丽特•米. McMenamin is the current President of UCNJ365bet 新泽西州联合县, the first of New Jersey’s 18 community colleges, 成立于1933年. She is the College’s first female president.
Since her appointment as President in July 2010, Dr. 麦克梅纳明提出了一个积极的议程,以提高学生的成功成果为中心. 她重振了学生服务, 加强学术指导, partnered with faculty to improve teaching and learning, 并让整个校园社区重新致力于学生的成功. During her tenure at UCNJ, the College has more than quintupled its graduation rate.
2020年10月. McMenamin was named the National Marie Y. Martin CEO of the Year by the Association of 社区 College 受托人. In 2022, 阿斯彭卓越大学研究所将加州大学新泽西分校评为美国前25名社区学院之一,并获得了100万美元的阿斯彭卓越社区学院奖的半决赛. 最近, 该学院被阿斯彭研究所评为2025年全国20强社区学院之一.
2019年,. McMenamin served as Chair of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. 她还曾担任美国社区学院校长学院执行委员会主席. 目前, 她担任高等教育研究与发展研究所顾问委员会主席, a member of the executive committee of the New Jersey Presidents’ Council, the National Junior College Athletic Association Presidents’ Advisory Council, and the board of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities.
Dr. McMenamin is involved with numerous community 组织, including the Boards of Trinitas Hospital, 联合县表演艺术中心, 联合县犯罪终结者, 伊丽莎白发展公司, 联合县劳动力发展, 蒙哥马利学院, 新泽西以色列委员会, and the NJ-PBS 社区 Advisory Board. In 2015, 她很荣幸担任联合县圣帕特里克节游行的大元帅.
在到达UCNJ之前,Dr. McMenamin曾在Lehigh Carbon 社区 College担任教授兼学术和学生事务副总裁,在Brookdale 社区 College担任执行副总裁兼代理总裁. Dr. McMenamin就读于坦普尔大学,并以优异成绩毕业,获得物理治疗理学学士学位. 她在斯克兰顿大学获得理学硕士学位,在利哈伊大学获得教育领导博士学位.
Dr. 托马斯H. Brown
1990 - 2010年担任学院院长
Dr. 托马斯H. Brown began his tenure as UCNJ’s seventh president on July 1, 1990. He led the College through immense expansions throughout the County, 广泛的节目多样性, 扩大了设施. 他还增加了学分学位课程以及继续教育和劳动力发展领域的入学人数.
在他的任期内. 布朗主持了伊丽莎白和普莱恩菲尔德两个全方位服务的城市校区的落成典礼. The College purchased the former Elizabethtown Gas Building and opened the Sidney F. 伊丽莎白的莱斯纳大厦. 多年以后,伊丽莎白一世. 凯洛格大厦开业, and the 三一护理学院 moved to its permanent location on the third floor. 在平原镇, the College purchased the old Courier News Building, 今天被称为逻各斯大厦.
President Brown grew the footprint in Cranford with upgrades to the Victor M. Richel学生共享区,并扩大了校园中心,包括健身中心和高管教育中心.
最后,博士. Brown supported a well-rounded student experience both inside the classroom, 有75个学位课程, and outside of the classroom with student clubs, 组织, and athletics with the National Junior College Athletic Association.
Dr. 他在马里兰大学获得学士学位,并在纽约大学获得硕士和博士学位.
Dr. Derek N. Nunney
1984 - 1990年任学院院长
Dr. 吊杆N. Nunney 是第一个在10月16日就职时不是教职员工的联合县学院校长吗, 1984年的今天是学院的建校纪念日. His term as the College’s sixth president began on July 1, 1984.
在他的领导下, many aspects of the College known today were established. 例如, 获得第三章拨款, he established the Academic Learning Center, which provides free peer-to-peer tutoring for all majors at all campuses.
Dr. 尼尼把学院带入了信息时代,他在所有校区都安装了计算机,用于教学.
他的城市倡议运动, the College expanded into the downtown business districts of Elizabeth and Plainfield. 这导致了工业-商业研究所的建立,该研究所为联合县的企业和行业提供定制的教育和培训服务. 在克兰福德, he pushed for a major construction project, a new student life building named The Commons, 现在被称为Victor M. Richel Student Commons,以学院董事会现任主席的名字命名.
Dr. Nunney持有加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)的理学硕士学位和教育学硕士学位.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Dr. 扫罗奥尔金
1974 - 1983年任学院院长
Dr. 扫罗奥尔金, a 1941 alumnus, served as the College’s fifth president. 在他的领导下, 1982年,当时的私立365bet与联合县技术学院合并, the public community college known as Union County College was established.
Dr. Orkin joined Union College’s faculty in 1955, 并教授政府方面的课程, history, 和经济学. 在成为总统之前, 他曾担任学院招生主任和社会科学系系主任. Dr. Orkin was credited with establishing the College’s 强化英语学院. 他也是非学分继续教育和社区活动的坚定倡导者.
In addition to his associate degree from Union College, Dr. 奥金得了A.B. 获得罗格斯大学学位, where he was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, a master’s degree in political science from the University of Michigan, and a doctorate in public law and government from Columbia University.
Dr. 肯尼斯·威廉·艾弗森
1970 - 1974年任学院院长
Dr. 肯尼斯•W. Iversen was chosen by a search committee to be the College’s fourth President. 在他的管理下, 学院的入学人数每年都在增长,学生群体比过去几十年更加多样化. 他还与校董会合作,为教职员工制定了新的章程和投票权.
联合书院的行政架构在董建华博士任内有重大改变. 球队的领导. 设立了向校长报告的四个主要行政职位:学术事务, finance, 学生事务, 以及行政服务.
在他的任期内. 艾弗森与伊丽莎白综合医疗中心建立了合作护理项目, 现在是三一护理学院, 和Muhlenberg医院, 现在是JFK Muhlenberg Harold B. 和多萝西A. 斯奈德学校.
He established the new library at the Cranford Campus, 其中包括一个艺术画廊, 研讨室, 音频中心, 可容纳100多人,000卷.
When Dr. 艾弗森辞去了总裁一职, he returned to the faculty to teach psychology and finished out his career teaching.
Dr. 艾弗森持有路易斯安那州立大学理学学士学位,并在纽约大学完成了硕士学位和博士学位.
Dr. 肯尼斯·坎贝尔·麦凯
1947 - 1968年任学院院长
Dr. 肯尼斯·C. MacKay served as the College’s third president. He was also a member of the faculty and taught American history and government courses.
Dr. MacKay established the Veteran’s Study Center, which provided accelerated high school classes to returning GIs. In 1957, 学院获得了美国中部州高等教育委员会的认可,并成立了Phi Theta Kappa分会, the international honor society of two-year colleges.
Dr. MacKay focused on expanding the College’s footprint on its Cranford Campus with a library in the Nomahegan Building; the new Campus Center with a theater, 小吃店, and recreational facilities; the building and opening of the William Sperry Observatory; and the addition of the Science Building.
In 1967, the College changed its name once again, dropping the word “junior” and became Union College.
Dr. 麦凯获得了博士学位.D. 获得了罗格斯大学和纽瓦克工程学院的荣誉学位. In 1963, he received the New Jersey Professional Engineers award as citizen of the year.
Dr. 查尔斯·格兰维尔·科尔
Dean and President of the College 1936‑1943
Dr. 查尔斯•克. Cole served as the College’s second president. 在他任职期间, 由工程振兴署提供的联邦援助被终止,学院变成, 一直保持着, 一个独立的, 非营利性的, non-denominational institution governed by a Board of 受托人. 从1936年开始,学院在罗塞尔的亚伯拉罕克拉克高中开设了晚间课程. In 1938, the College’s name became Union Junior College.
在博士. 科尔的领导, 从1939年开始, the College was approved by the New Jersey State Board of Education. 1942年,在克兰福德的格兰特学校开设了日间课程.
First Administrator and Dean 1933‑1935
休伯特·班克斯·亨特利 was named the first administrator and Dean of Union County Junior College. 该学院是罗斯福总统的联邦紧急救济署(后来被工程振兴署取代)在新泽西建立的第一所社区学院。. Huntley was chosen by Union County Superintendent of Schools Arthur L. Johnson to establish and lead the College.
Union County Junior College opened on October 16, 1933, with 243 students in attendance. 该学院的使命是为失业的教师提供工作,并为失业的高中毕业生提供培训. Of the original six community colleges established at that time, UCNJ is the only institution in existence today.